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Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS - Suicide Prevention with Miley Cyrus
Joaquin Pheonix!!! What the hell, where have you been boy? Last time his face was in the media it was hiding behind a beard and a rap career.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
John Mayer does Rolling Stone mag

John, will you marry me?
John on being rejected by chicks at club:
"Blowing me off is the new sucking me off!"John on finding the Joshua Tree of baginas:
"All I want to do now is fuck the girls I've already fucked, because I can't fathom explaining myself to somebody who can't believe I'd be interested in them, and they're going, 'But you're John Mayer!' So I'm going backwards to move forward. I'm too freaked out to meet anybody else. Do you think it's going to take meeting someone who I admire more than I admire myself? But isn't it also about a beautiful vagina? Aren't we talking about a matrix of a couple of different things here? Like, you need to have them be able to go toe-to-toe with you intellectually. But don't they also have to have a vagina you could pitch a tent on and just camp out on for, like, a weekend? Doesn't that have to be there,too? The Joshua Tree of vaginas?"John on jacking himself off every second of the day:
"I am the new generation of masturbator. I've seen it all. Before I make coffee, I've seen more butt holes than a proctologist does in a week. I mean, I have masturbated myself out of serious problems in my life. The phone doesn't pick up because I'm masturbating. And I have excused myself at the oddest times so as to not make mistakes. If Tiger Woods only knew when to jerk off. It has a true market value, like gold bullion. First of all, I don't jerk off because I'm horny. I'm sort of half-chick. Its like District 9. I can fire alien weapons. I can insert a tampon. No, I do it because I want to take a brain bath. It's like a hot whirlpool for my brain, in a brain space that is 100 percent agreeable with itself."John on burning Aniston:
"I'm the asshole. I burned the American flag. I basically murdered an ideal. I've never really gotten over it. It was one of the worst times of my life. I have this weird feeling, a pride thing, for the people I've had relationships with. What would I be saying to Jen, who I think is fucking fantastic, if I said to her, 'I don't dislike you. In fact, I like you extremely well. But I have to back out of this because it doesn't arc over the horizon. This is not where I see myself for the rest of my life, this is not my ideal destiny.' I'll be happy when I close out this life-partner thing. It's been a long time since I've felt attached. Think of how much mental capacity I'm using to meet the right person so I can stop giving a fuck about it."John on the gay rumors:
"I don't care about anything other than energy. That's why people think, 'Is he bi? Is he that?' I've never slept with a man. But I get it. I've seen pictures of men on the Internet that are sexier than pictures of most women."
She was so pretty before, ugh.
Apparently even Spencer thinks shes a "crazy woman" for getting all this work done. This has to be the first time I agree with Spence. CONTROL YOUR WIFE DOUCHEBAG!
Paranormal Activity 2 - oh no

Seriously, I will NOT watch this. I developed INSOMNIA from the first one what makes you think I would want to do this to myself again? Even the title of the movie makes me cringe.
The sequel to this terrifying movie will come out October 22nd just in time for Halloween. Nice. Assholes.
If you havent guessed this is a touchy subject for me LOL..
Movie Trailer - She Out Of My League
You know what your problem is? You're a moodle. No one wants to do a moodle HAHA
Mariah Carey: "My dress was conservative"

Dont get me wrong MC, you rocked the dress but to say it was conservative is pushing it there hun.
Mariah on her Golden Globes ensemble:
I dressed very conservatively. My dress was long and my shoulders were covered. I don’t know what all the fuss is about.”
On her insecurities:
“I am very insecure about my looks, and I always have been because of being mixed race,” she said. “It’s not so weird now, and everyone’s accepting it in a big way, but as a child I felt very, um, out of place and didn’t feel pretty. When you grow up with that type of insecurity you don’t always feel pretty.”
Glee guest stars!!!

There a two people in mind to pay a visit to our beloved Glee club of William McKinley high. Jennifer Lopez (wanted to play a cafeteria lady) and Niel Patrick Harris!
Both are still being talked about with the networks, so nothing is confirmed yet, but I hope they go through. I can picture JLO with a hairnet and Neil Patrick Harris being well, Neil Patrick Harris.
The Vampire Diaries - NYLON Magazine

Having serious withdrawl? Cant sleep at night wondering what going to happen when the season of Vampire Diaries resumes? CHILL OUT it comes back on January 21st! This Thursday!
The shows love triangle, Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley are looking hot as ever on the cover of NYLON magazine on stands now.
Cant get enough of them vampires!
Beyonce: I dont need Sasha Fierce anymore

Beyonce poses for Allure magazine this month where she talks about her marriage, having kids and her alter ego.
On having kids:
"I definitely want to have a child, but I know from my nephew it's a lot. I hope that those things will just happen naturally. I still haven't had time to relax."On her alter ego Sasha Fierce:
"I don't need Sasha Fierce anymore, because I've grown, and now I'm able to merge the two"
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Heidi finally shows her face in public after her feature in People Magazine displaying her 10 surgeries.
HOLY EFF, if she thinks that looks perfect, her perception of beauty is unfortunate. Like, some people who get work done look fine but she pushed the limits and looks so scary now. Stare at her face for 10 seconds, I dare you. I got the heebie-jeebies!
What do you think of Heidi's surgeries? Do you agree with them?
Snookin for Love?

SEND your best SNOOKI POOF to for a chance to be featured in a post!
Nicole Polizzi aka Snooki has confirmed that she may be leaving her Jersey Shore buds for her own reality show seeking love called Snookin for Love.
Shes says:
"Definitely there is no set thing but it has been talked about. I got offers from vh1 and other reality networks"
Who's fist-pumpin for a go on this one? I'm fist-pumpin like a champ!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Rihanna and Matt courtside at Clippers game
Julia Roberts pulls a Mariah Carey - Drunk at Awards show
I am betch :)
Teen Mom attacked by...Mom

It's a little bit late for the "Mom, I'm pregnant" reactions shots, dont you think?
Debra Danielson, mother of Farrah Abraham who stars on MTV's Teen Mom, has been arrested for allegedly choking and slapping her daughter.
According to police, Farrah and her mother were arguing over childcare issues when Debra threw an MTV T-shirt "on or near" Farrah's baby which caused her to start crying.
Farrah then started yelling loudly at her mother who then grabbed Farrah by the throat and proceeded to slap her on the right side of her head and her mouth. The report notes that Abraham had "multiple cuts" on her lips.
Debra, 54 has been arrested on suspicion of domestic abuse/severe assault.
Some asshole at the Times makes fun of Michael C Hall
As most of us already know, Michael C. Hall, star of the hit tv show Dexter has been diagnosed and is being treated for Cancer.
Yesterday, at the Golden Globes, some idiot tweeting for the New York Times on Twitter, made an extremely uneducated comment about the hat Michael was wearing to the awards ceremony.
The dickwad tweeted:
Is Michael C. Hall playing Bob Marley in an upcoming movie? Dont get the hat or what he's trying to hide under it.
He quickly retracted when he found out what was really up, with:
So sorry that Michael C. Hall has had cancer. Thanks for clarifying why he is wearing a knitted skull cap.
You friggen douche. *rolls eyes*
Kevin and Danielle - proud parents!...
Golden Globes - The Winners

Best Supporting Actress in a Film
Mo'Nique, Precious
Best Actress in a Comedy Program
Toni Collette, United States of Tara
Best Supporting Performance by an Actor in a TV Series
John Lithgow, Dexter
Best Animated Feature Film
Best Male Performance for Drama Television Series
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Best Female Performance for Drama Television Series
Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
Best Original Song
"The Weary Kind," Music & Lyrics by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett (Crazy Heart)
Best Original Score for a Motion Picture
Michael Giacchino, Up
Best Miniseries or TV Movie
Grey Gardens
Best Actress in a Comedy Film
T-Bone Streep, Julie & Julia
Best Actor in a Miniseries for Television
Kevin Bacon, Taking Chance
Best Actress in a Miniseries for Television
Drew Barrymore, Grey Gardens
Best Screenplay for a Motion Picture
Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner, Up in the Air
Best Actor in a Comedy/Variety/Musical Show
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Best Foreign Language Film
The White Ribbon (Germany)
Best Drama Series
Mad Men
Best Supporting Actress on a TV series
Chloe Sevigny, Big Love
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Christoph Waltz, Inglourious Basterds
Best Director
James Cameron
Best Comedy/Musical Television Program
Best Comedy/Musical Movie
The Hangover
Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama
Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side
Best Actor in a Comedy/Musical
Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes
Best Actor in a Drama Film
Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
In case you missed it..
Joe Jonas is a playaaa
Nelena giving it another go?
a bit of a hairy situation
Kesha does George Lopez tonight
LOL, loved the whole bit about how she was born. She's really unique, kind of like a Lady Gaga dipped in glitter and feathers meets teasing comb and hairspray. Go Kesha!
For the record: I Didnt Steal yo Monies, betch
Here is his statement against these accusations. Do you think he's lying? Think he's telling the truth?