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Friday, January 1, 2010
Dont drink, drive AND tweet Bow Wow
Im f**ked up!!! Ohhhh damn. Y i drive the lambo. Chris might have to drive after next spot."Realizing what he had done, he deleted the tweet and replaced it with an apology saying:
"Apologize for that tweet. it was stupid and immature. not a way i want to kick my #2010 year off. i got too much good stuff lined up. my bad."
Perez is is GaGa wannabe
Megan Fox - Worst Actress of 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Underneath it all.

Jersey Shore is taking over lately with all the crazy publicity they have been getting on their "offensive"/AWESOME show on MTV.
The girls, who normally hide behind caked bronzer, hairspray and eyeliner were convinced by InTouch magazine to go au naturalle for their photoshoot earlier this month.
They are so adorable.
Babies and Breakups for the bros.

Kevin Jonas and his new wife Danielle married only 2 weeks are already planning to have a baby. A friend of the newlyweds told The Sydney Herald: '
They’re planning to start a family very soon and it could even be a honeymoon pregnancy.They’re basically putting it in God’s hands and even though they’re young, they are both ready to start having children.'
What the EFF?
There are also rumors that the Jonas Brothers are breaking up (I know, I know, they just cant, right?)
A family insider revealed:
"Joe sees the writing on the wall for the group. Kevin's heart is just not in the group anymore. His wife Danielle is his number one priority, especially after their wedding night."Danielle is putting out the goods, so she deserves all the attention I guess. LOL.
Sorry Tay, no chemistry

The couple everyone has been raving about, Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are done-zo.
A source of Taylor squared told USmagazine.com:
"It wasn't really developing into anything, and wasn't going to, so they decided they were better as friends, there was no chemistry, and it felt contrived.
"He liked her more than she liked him," "He went everywhere he could to see her, but she didn't travel much to see him."OUCH, that's got to hurt.
Carly Pope hospitalized

The '24' actress Carly Pope was hospitalized in Vancouver yesterday after a carjacker got into her BMW and smashed into a wall while she was still inside of the car.
TMZ reported that her brother was driving when a man jumped on top of the hood and as soon as her brother got out of the car to see what happened, the man hopped into the drivers seat.
WOW dude, psychotic people out there, what exactly was he trying to accomplish?
Rosie O'Donnell has a new woman
Monday, December 28, 2009
Kelly Clarkson borrows Taylor Swift's 'White Horse'

Seems like there was some jealously happening on the set of Valentine's Day. A source told Enquirer mag:
Everyone on set could tell Emma was crushing on Taylor’s teenage toyboy, she kept making goo-goo eyes whenever she saw him, even though they have no scenes together. Then Emma pushed too hard, unexpectedly showing up on-set to watch a love scene between Taylor and Taylor.Swift got really creeped out because Emma kept staring at Taylor, so just to show her that the race really does go to the swift, she suddenly kissed her boyfriend like he was the last guy on earth. Her kiss was so long and passionate that everyone held their breath, knowing it was an in-your-face warning to Emma that she’d better back off fast.'
Rihanna: Barbados Beauty
HOE! HOE! HOE! Merry Christmas Tiger

Okay, so you are known the worlds biggest douche-bag for cheating on your wife with several women, but yet you seem to think its okay to spend the holidays with one of your mistresses?
Tiger Woods and Rachel Uchitel were spotted holding hands and canoodling side by side in Palm Beach this weekend.
Some even say the couple is living together in Palm Beach, where Woods' yacht is reportedly docked and where Uchitel has even been photographed.
Never going to learn are we Cheetah Woods?
FINALLY! Katy Perry and Russell Brand engaged

According to UK reports, my favorite couple, Katy Perry and Russell Brand are engaged!
Russell supposedly proposed to the Hot N Cold singer during a pre-Christmas get-together in London.
A source close to Brand told the Sunday Mirror newspaper:
"Russell knows Katy's the one for him.
"He's never been into a girl like he has with her and they're besotted. He asked her to marry him last week and she quickly said yes.
"They don't know when the wedding will be but they are planning to make it in 2010 if their schedules can work.
"Russell is searching for a jewellery designer to make up a ring in time for New Years"
"Katy's thrilled with Russell and how he is making so much effort. Russell also has the approval of Katy's parents and everyone in the pair's close circle know about the engagement."
Homewrecking Angie

Some of us seem to forget that Brangelina was once side dish to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston's marriage.
Angelina Jolie, the homewrecker, tells British pulication "Daily Telegraph" that she doesnt believe in monogamy.
She says:
"I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It's worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterward,"Here's an idea! If Tiger Woods doesn't take that offer from Ashley Madison, Angelina Jolie should be runner up for the face of the company. What do you think?
"Neither Brad nor I have ever claimed that living together means to be chained together. We make sure that we never restrict each other."
Hooray for unhealthy relationships!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
She's a little crazy, but we love her
Happy Birthday Betch!!
Merry Christmas Jon Gosselin

A wonderful present was given to Jon Gosselin this year for Christmas. The former reality tv douchebag came home to a ripped up apartment.
It was reported that Jon's "shoes, shirts, luggage, bed, curtain, rugs and other furnishings" were sliced to bits with a butcher knife by who they believe was a "sick perpetrator." says Gosselin's lawyer.
A ton of stuff was also missing from Jon's apartment - a television, CD player, coffee maker, a Nintendo Wii game, dishes, pots and pans were all among the stolen items.
Gosselin's attorney also says a valuable Ming vase said to be at least 100 years old was found "smashed to pieces."
OUCH!! that got to sting.
Who did it though? There was a note "speared" into the closet (HOLY EFF) signed Hailey Glassman, but to tell you the truth, I don't think even she is stupid enough to sign her name to that huge mess, and if she is, well, WOW.
A Spice Girl Christmas

Ever wondered what Posh, Baby, Scary and Sporty do on Christmas? Emma Bunton aka Baby Spice of the Spice Girls spills the deets.
Who wouldnt want to party it up with drunken pop sensations?
“We all went over to David and Victoria’s for lovely food and good wine... It’s the only time we all get to see each other, we get a bit tipsy and listen to Spice Girl songs. I can’t believe I’ve admitted that.”
Charlie Sheen pulls knife to wife

The Two and a Half Men actor allegedly threatened his wife Brooke Mueller with a knife during their last fight. They had been at a friends house and were drinking when they were not supposed to be.
A source close to Mueller told PEOPLE "They both have histories of alcohol abuse and have made every effort to stop. But things got out of hand."
Sheen was released on $8,500 bond and will have to appear in court on February 8 and both he and Brooke will start counseling and Charlie will take part in Anger Management.