A wonderful present was given to Jon Gosselin this year for Christmas. The former reality tv douchebag came home to a ripped up apartment.
It was reported that Jon's "shoes, shirts, luggage, bed, curtain, rugs and other furnishings" were sliced to bits with a butcher knife by who they believe was a "sick perpetrator." says Gosselin's lawyer.
A ton of stuff was also missing from Jon's apartment - a television, CD player, coffee maker, a Nintendo Wii game, dishes, pots and pans were all among the stolen items.
Gosselin's attorney also says a valuable Ming vase said to be at least 100 years old was found "smashed to pieces."
OUCH!! that got to sting.
Who did it though? There was a note "speared" into the closet (HOLY EFF) signed Hailey Glassman, but to tell you the truth, I don't think even she is stupid enough to sign her name to that huge mess, and if she is, well, WOW.