Emilio Masella, Snooki's ex got exactly what he wanted. He and Spencer Pratt are teaming up and are working on a new reality show called Fist Pumpin For Love. The show will star Emilio in search for his Italian queen. He says:
“I am tired of these fake Italian girls. I want a real guid-ette who can speak Italian, so we are prepared to take my search from Hollywood, California, to the streets of Howard Beach in Queens, N.Y.”
I can speak Italian, Emilio. And it just so happens that I am looking for a juicehead. Whataya say we get together and call it a day LOL!
WAIT, but that's not all. The juicehead is REALLY juicin his 15 minutes. Emilio and Spencer just bought the rights to Guid-o-juice which according to Pratt himself is "soon to be the most popular Guido energy drink in the world."
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